Friday, November 30, 2018

The Lost $23 Trillion Lost By Pentagon, and G-20 Argentina

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Follow the money. But, where is the money? This question must be asked, where is the $23 Trillion dollars of the Pentagon budget that cannot be accounted for by their auditors? Over the past 15 years, the Pentagon cannot find where this incredible amount of money has gone.
    The Pentagon has gone to Congress, at least, for the past 15 years fudging budgets because they have no idea where the previous year’s money had gone. In addition, the Pentagon has a 6 trillion dollar deficit. How can that be?
One sixth of the national budget goes to the Pentagon and parts of each year’s budget ends up falling into a Black Hole.
    One question that we must ask is, since George W. Bush’s Endless War began, has some, or most, of this missing money been slushed into cash and passed through the hands of military personnel on into foreign asset hands in places of conflict? Another problem is that Pentagon officials have publicly stated they do not want anyone looking into their budgets. I guess one reason could be is that they have no idea where the money has gone.
    The Cretin-in-Chief has told all of us that he wants to rebuild the military, and fill in the hollowed out budgets of the Pentagon. I guess, our incompetent president has no idea that the Pentagon is not hollowed out. They are rich in taxpayer dollars but have no idea where the money has gone.
    The Cretin-in-Chief is freaking out that the new Democratic House of Representatives want to investigate how the Trump Crime Syndicate and to what degree they been in cahoots with Putin and his oligarchs to get their Russian Idiot Asset elected to the presidency of the United States.
    He said, “If Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money- (ohh, he uses capital letters for emphasis twice in this Tweet.) - investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play this game.” What game does this crime syndicate president believe Democrats are playing? If he believes that possible collusion, and, at the very least, lying to voters that he had no dealings with Russians is a game, then he doesn’t appear to understand how government functions. Our concern is that Trump has been playing dangerous games. Also, many believe the leaks are coming from within the White House.
    Yet, this president seems to be avoiding the massive loss of taxpayer dollars by the Pentagon. The Pentagon has not allocated any part of their budget to invest in the best supercomputers, such as Watson, to manage and account for their budgets. They continue to use their Radio Shack type computers to manage their accounting.
    This illustrates that the White Nationalist Party, aka, Republican Party, can get elected, yet are incapable of governing.


Another big story is President Trump’s play date at the latest G-20 meeting in Argentina. He told the press that he has put together the “bestest and biggest and most fantastic” trade deal ever. But in fact, this new North American Trade Deal is just an update to the current NAFTA. One Canadian said, “We are just glad the American President didn’t “Wreck It Ralph”, throw his diaper at anyone, and tear up the deal. The changes to the current NAFTA are only minor and updated improvements, yet improvements, nevertheless.”
    The problem with Trump is that he has no idea the difference between what is a modest improvement from what is the biggest and, a fantastic improvement. He lacks understanding. He lacks sophistication. He lacks the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time. He has no idea how to engage in clear and mature dialogue in order to solve problems.
    President Trump was overheard saying, “I was the mostest and Be-Bestest person in the room. Without me this amazing and terrific and fantastic deal would never have happened. I’m disappointed that Putin and the Saudi Prince gave each other big hugs. I wanted some, too. I thought they were MY BFFs.”

    Now, the Cretin-in-Chief can fly home and feel like he has gotten to wear his Big Boy Pants in front of the leaders of Canada and Mexico.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Shoot Out At The Riverchase Galleria Mall Corral

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    President Trump said after a gunman entered a school killing children and adults that if the teachers were armed, they could have killed the assailant. After a gunman entered a hospital and killed innocent people, Trump didn’t say anything about arming doctors, nurses, and hospital workers. Why is he so silent? It must be OK to arm teachers in schools, but not hospital workers.
    Now after a gunman entered an Alabama shopping mall and fired at innocent people minding their own business, one person with a carry permit who pulled his weapon in order to protect those around him. Mr. EJ. Bradford, Jr. was a black man, an Army veteran, killed by Hoover police officers called to the scene.
    All the facts are not being told. Are there police body cameras, and mall surveillance video available for review to help answer questions, such as, is a black man with a gun the most likely villain? Were there too many carry permit people with guns trying to take down the shooter, who is still at large, causing chaos and confusion for police? Did police call for Mr. Bradford to drop his weapon? Were the police dealing with racial bias? We need to know!
    What must be investigated is as a result of the chaos at this mall, the actual shooter was able to escape. This is unacceptable. Too many people with guns drawn in order to take down the assailant chaos prevailed, and as a result, the assailant had an opportunity to escape and is still at-large.
    The NRA feels everyone should carry guns. President Trump feels more gun toting citizens is the answer to curtain gun violence. Such a belief has to be the most ignorant solution to an out-of-control public health concern.

Hey NRA---“This Is In Our Lane, Too!”

    We don’t need more chaos and more confusion for competent police who are really trying to protect us from murderers. We don’t need the police entering a chaotic situation not knowing who are the “good guys” with guns from those who are “bad guys” with guns. We need more professional training, culling of racist, bigoted, and hateful police from departments. We need tighter gun laws. We don’t need a repeat of what happened at this Alabama mall.

    The problem with the Nationalist Party, aka, Republican Party, is that they are the problem and not the solution. And, there are Democrats who need to strengthen their spines, as well. Such collusion and fear of the NRA is shameful. This relationship must end.

Update: An arrest has been made regarding the mall shooting.

President Trump Threatens Democrats If They Investigate Him

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Our Cretin-in-Chief is so damn scared of the Democratic Congress unmasking the Russian Asset American President that he is now foaming at the mouth. His rabies infection is flaring up with a massive outbreak.
    He is now threatening to declassify documents that he has been keeping hidden from the American people in his Space Force toy box. His threat is that he will “play tough” if Democrats decide to investigate the long playing Greek tragedy of Russian collusion by the Trump crime syndicate.
    Once again, our paranoid president believes that such an investigation is politically motivated and the real criminals are Crooked Hillary, Crazy Comey, and Colonel Mustard in the closet with the candlestick.
    The Idiot Asset President said, “I think that would help my campaign if they want to play tough, I will do it. They will see how devastating those pages are.” Then President Idiot Asset said, [Maybe] “It’s more powerful if I do it then [A more targeted time.]…because if we had done it already it would be yesterday’s news.”
    Is he joking or is he just really, really stupid? If there’s really incriminating stuff on Democrats, the Nationalist Party Congress members and pundits would never stop bleeding it for the next two years. So, Mr. Idiot President, release the damn documents, if there are any, or did your dog pee all over your homework? What the heck are you waiting for? Stop those Dems in their tracks! Cut them off at the pass. Derail their train. Freeze them out. Pull out the stops. Flush them out. Run ‘em off the rails!
    Stop bragging, boasting, bullshitting, bloviating, belching bravado and open up your Toys-R-Us toy chest and back up your threats.
    President Russian Asset said, “In the end I can always declassify if it proves necessary. Speed is very important to me---and everyone.”
    WOW Trump, are you singing that Doors lyric, “This is the end. This is the end my friend. This is the end.” There is no time to waste. Get ahead of it. Don’t wait. Show your cards. Lay out your hand. Drive it home. Don’t bogey this hole. If you’ve got some there-there, then prove it. Are you bluffing? If not, then put up or shut up!
    Oh no, big boy pants Donnie has his puffy shirt on and appears to be fluffing it up by saying, “If the Democrats think they are going to use Taxpayer Money [Check out those capital letters!] investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all the leaks of Classified Information [OOOOH, more capital letters. Is he trying to make a point? Are we supposed to get scared?], and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!”
    President Cretin, what are you rambling about? What does “And much else, at the Senate level” actually mean? Do you know what it means? It must be that puffy shirt talking.
 This guy is losing it. He’s really, really scared.
    It’s the job of Congress to uncover evidence if there was any Russian collusion involvement subverting our democracy by anyone within the Trump crime syndicate in order to get him elected. If Trump is some sort of “Manchurian Candidate”---President, then we all have a right to know. This is not just some Nixon burglars breaking into and office at the Watergate. This is the use of a foreign government, an adversary, war criminals in their own right, helping one of their own “Idiot Assets” (Read Malcolm Vance’s book, The Plot To Destroy Democracy) to become President of the United States.
    It doesn’t get any worse than this. And, if Trump and his crime syndicate political organization were involved in this conspiracy, then let the House Democrats investigate it, since the Nationalist Party has looked the other way. If you are innocent, then what is there to be afraid of? So why all the threats? If the Democrats come up short, while looking partisan, then the Nationalist Party will have plenty to throw up in their faces prior to the 2020 presidential and congressional races.
    So Donnie---what ARE you afraid of? You’ve surrounded yourself with fraudsters, liars, and thieves. You love liars. You are the LYIN’ KING! This is your very own Broadway production.
   Paul Manafort is hoping for a pardon because he lied for you and leaked the Mueller test questions to you after he memorized them after his own interviews and passed them on to you so you can get all the questions right, as you made reference to getting them all right. That answer is funny.
We know you were incapable of answering Mueller’s questions by yourself. Manafort was your bitch, and now, he’s hoping for a pardon, otherwise, he will likely die in prison. The food is horrible. And, the suits aren’t made of alligator skin, or whatever. He’s done his risk assessment analysis and is hoping for freedom, except it will only show that there was collusion—a quid-pro-quo between a couple of cretins. Not too good for the Nationalist Party. Their leader colluding with a federal prison convict.

    So Donnie, The Whole World Is Watching.

Update: As Michael Cohen was pleading guilty today, information about the Moscow Trump Tower deal came to the surface. What had unfolded was while Trump was campaigning for president, he was making promises to his voters to act on their behalf, to work to bring jobs back, to make their lives better, while at the same time he was trying to make a Trump Tower deal with Vladimir Putin giving him, at NO CHARGE, a $50 million dollar penthouse at the top of the Tower if everything would fall into place. He appeared to have owed Putin a big favor for something, which has yet to be unmasked. This secret deal with Putin, as Trump was campaigning To Make America Great Again, he was planning to work with Putin to become the Putin Poodle. It has been documented by Malcolm Vance in his book, The Plot to Destroy Democracy, that Trump had become what Vance refers to as an Idiot Asset. This is an asset that can be bought just by making the person feel good. All the person required was a good pat on the back. In Trump's case, it was to help Trump avoid bankruptcy by buying up empty Trump condos. Because Trump was is such financial straights, he was unable to get domestic bank financing. He was up against the wall. Putin's oligarchs came to the rescue. By buying Trump's properties, the oligarchs had a way to launder money making Trump his bitch. This story continues to unfold. Michael Cohen might have more to say about the Putin-Trump relationship.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

President Trump Conned GM Workers, Once Again

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Conman-in-Chief lied, during the presidential campaign, that he would bring manufacturing jobs back to cities where factory work left for cheaper labor costs outside the Great Wall of America. He conned those workers to vote for him, otherwise, he would have lost the election.
   He told GM workers, “They’re all coming back. Don’t move! Don’t sell your house!” The Shyster Cretin President said that those old, empty, shuttered plants would be rebuilt. And, the auto industry would be building more plants creating more jobs.
     Ha, Ha, Ha!!!!!! Maybe Trump would leave those Snake Oil  Big Tent rallies, as he got into his limo, driven off to his private jet, and laugh his dumb-ass off. I can imagine this snake oil salesman saying, “Those suckers will believe anything!!”
    More lies---over 6430 since he took office---from the serial liar pretending to be president.
    The voters, who thought this Grifter-in-Chief was going to make good on his pie-in-the-sky promises, had no idea that Trump and his Nationalist Party tax cut gave large corporations an imbedded major tax break into the bill’s language if they moved their jobs out of the country. The deal was a 50% coupon if they moved to another country, which comes to around a 24% tax cut, and once relocated a 2% tax break as a relocated company.
    So, I wonder if these 15,000 workers potentially being laid off closing possibly 5 car factories had any idea that Trump had no plan to bring back or save jobs. His plan was to incentivize just the opposite. He didn’t care to work on behalf of workers. That was never his plan. All it was, was a big con job.  Just like when he hired small time contractors to do work for him, and then he decided not to pay them the agreed amount. Or, when he bought a large property, then fudged the figures, then petitioned the property tax office to lower his property tax bill. All a major swindle upon the American people who work hard to make a simple life real, but are then smacked down by the fake Populist Nationalist cretin president and his Congressional Nationalists supporting his agenda.
    As President G.W. Bush said, “Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice….”. (He couldn’t remember how it went.) But, you get the idea.
    He told coal miners that coal was going to be the new green(back). He told soldiers and their families that he’d have their backs when mental health services were seriously needed without delay. That promise, too, didn’t happen.
    Now, we have tariffs against our trading partners, creating tit-for-tat escalations, which is one reason GM has chosen to announce downsizing its workforce and footprint.
    For a person to have bragged time and time again about his expertise to negotiate with anyone, make fantastic, terrific, amazing deals, and communicate as the really, really smart person he pretends to be under difficult conditions, as he repeatedly boasted while on the campaign trail shilling his Make America Great Again con job, it appears he is not capable of negotiating, or deal making or communicating with any degree of success. It may actually be that his so-called business prowess has been a major hoax. I would suggest that any successful deals made by the Trump International corporation were made by professionals a whole lot smarter than this Jackass-in-Chief. He probably was brought in only to sign the paperwork.


White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Goebbels, The Trump Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda spokesperson, said that the National Climate Report is a lie. She said, “Not based on fact. Not data driven.” I guess she and Trump believes the climate data was compiled by the late Spongebob Square Pants.

    It has now been established that Cretins occupy the White House. OMG!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

President Trump Is a Climate Change Denier

The Humpty Dumpty Report

The Climate Denier-in-Chief spoke about the latest government report—the federal government’s National Climate Assessment Report-“I don’t believe it”. Of course this shallow-minded, and simple-minded president doesn’t believe that the planet is warming faster than ever before because smarter people than himself, scientists in fact, have a curious brain and do research to come to conclusions, and Trump fears such people. These reports are Fake News to Russia’s ‘Idiot Asset’ (An actual designation.) in the White House. This president is not curious whatsoever, and actually gets his information from his Magic 8 Ball toy. He asks it a question, and after rotating it, it gives him an answer. For example, he has asked the toy, “Is there global warming?” The Magic 8 ball answered, “Better not tell you now.” “Is Mar-A-Lago getting warmer?” The Magic 8 Ball answered, Cannot predict now”. “Am I the best president ever?” The Magic 8 Ball’s answer was, “Concentrate and ask again.”
    The President uses the Magic 8 Ball to make his decisions because the Three Stooges used an early version of it in the 1940 short film, You Nazty Spy!, which is Trump’s favorite film. It’s a short film, which Trump prefers because he has the attention span of a 3 year old.
    The President insists that global warming is a hoax because his Magic 8 Ball, now his senior advisor, says it is so. He cannot fire this type of advisor because it never talks back, or sneaks rumors behind his back. He takes it everywhere.
    In the 1980s, Dr. James Hansen spoke before Congress warning them and the nation that global warming was a dangerous fact. The climate deniers in the Nationalist Party, a.k.a, the Republican Party, listening to his presentation were very impatient because they were missing their cookies and milk break. That was, and continues to be, their favorite time of the day.
   The same warning, although even more critical today, is still being denied by the (White) Nationalist Party.
    Predictions have the point of no return within our lifetime!! Very likely Mar-A-Lago will be underwater, as well as a great many coastal cities in this country and around the world. The President is planning to build a wall all around his golf resort to keep any rising waters from drowning his golf course. He wants Mexico to pay for it, but it may end up being paid for by the American people.
    Excessive heat and draught will bring food shortages and drinking water problems to millions of people. Wars will be fought over food and water.
    Dr. Hansen has a TED Talk on the subject.

See and listen to it here:

Monday, November 26, 2018

Mississippi: The Home of the Klan and the Land of the White Supremacists

The Humpty Dumpty Report

 Written before the Mississippi runoff election results.

    The Nationalist Party Cindy Hyde-Smith running for Congress in a runoff election against Democrat Mike Espy recruited our Russian Idiot Asset-in Chief (See Malcolm Vance's  book-The Plot To Destroy Democracy.) to spread the word of hate, bigotry, and racism to Mississippians. Hyde-Smith feels extremely supportive of voter suppression, public hangings, since she would like to take a front row seat, and feels the days of the Confederacy were the best days ever.
    She hates the Affordable Care Act and wants to see Trumpty Dumpty's Wall built from Sea to Shining Sea. 
    No doubt, the Nationalist Party Mississippians are making America Great Again! Cindy Hyde-Smith's biggest fan, Vladimir Putin, is looking forward to her win.

More Great News From The Trump Crime Family:

    Son-in-law Jared Kushner, who decided to do what crime family's do---lie and lie again!! He decided to falsify the figures that our government would charge the Saudi Royal Family for their arms deal by an additional $100 billion!!! The original cost came in at measly $15 billion.
    The actual "Letter Of Offer and Acceptance" (LOA) for the sale was $14.5 billion.
    So, Kushner figured he would lie to everyone by $100 billion. Did he not think "everyone" would not find out the truth? Did he do his lying, which he must have mastered while making his real estate deals Great Again, such as 666 Fifth Ave., NYC, which he seriously overpaid and later, screwed his investors out of their fair share, once he began to see the value of this property to go "Underwater", in hopes the Saudi Royal Family will make personal deals with the Kushner real estate business.
    Apparently, Defense Secretary James Mattis was in on the con. Is why they call the Nationalist Party members ReCons?
    Now he is making America distrustful again.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie Book Praising Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    It looks like President Trump bought himself a book written by his one-time campaign manager thug-Corey Lewandowski and his former deputy campaign manager lackey David Bossie. Our first Russian owned president, maybe very desperate to fire up his base that he sat for interviews by these two stenographers.
    The book appears full of Trump’s fantasies and nightmares put into narration. He goes after the idea that there is a Deep State of political figures, government employees and sewer rats all out to thwart the Moron-in-Chief’s political agenda.
    Most logically thinking sane people probably believe that Trump’s biggest enemies are in his feeble minded brain. Since Trump has told somewhere around 6430 lies since becoming president. His daily dose of lies grew from 6.5 per day to now around 30 per day. There are medications for this disease. Unfortunately Donnie, more than likely it won’t grow your hair back. He has ramped upped his serial lying clown routine for all to see, since he first unpacked his red ties and slogan caps in the Lincoln bedroom, and Melania hung up her “I Don’t Care. Do you?” assorted First Lady jackets in a far off and undisclosed location. 
    Trump’s Deep-State-of-Mind written out in simple and easy to read language, in the same form of 5th grade Trump-speak, by the president’s peripheral buddy-thugs desperate to make their mortgage payments and have a little extra for any possible defense attorney fees that might come up, is full of shallow imaginary creatures slithering out of his own self-made Washington swamp filled with the lizards he decided to fill it with.
    This creepy Clown-in-Chief has difficulty collecting lucid thoughts and putting them into comprehensible, meaningful, and intelligent sentences. No doubt, that is where the two Trump Thugsters came in to write this book.( No need to even name it in this blog.)
    This tale illustrating Trump’s Deep Seeded anxieties, fears, cycling of disturbed and troubled thoughts, paranoia, an inferior sense of self, and triggered defense mechanisms appear to shine through in the book.
    His belief that he is surrounded by a vast secret army of people whose objective is to wall him away from accomplishing his dangerous agenda exists only in his sociopathic mind deep in the primitive brainstem part of his brain. His dangerous agenda is clear for all to see. It is the propagation of fascism. 
    Anyone who wants to preserve democracy and protect it from being slashed to pieces by a hateful, racist, misogynistic, paranoid, bigoted Russian Asset, (laid out in Malcolm Vance’s excellent book called The  Plot To Destroy Democracy), bought and paid for and ushered into the White House through Fake News stories and Russian hackers, is not hiding in the shadows of a Deep State, but living in plain sight.
    These are patriotic Americans with real voices and voting power and a pen and a microphone getting in the face of this Clown-in-Chief.

    There is no Deep State, Mr. Trump! Whatever is going on in your Deeply Disturbed State of Mind, that occupies a limited space inside of your shallow minded brain, is where all of your problems lie.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

President Trump On Climate Change

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Idiot Russian Asset, President Donald J. Trump, declared on Black Friday, the country’s biggest shopping day, that climate change is a hoax. He believes that the idea of the globe increasing its CO2 load in the atmosphere, which is facilitating significant polar ice sheet and cap melting at an extraordinary rate is a result of the Forest Service and Californians not raking up enough forest floors and woodland floors fast enough in order to reduce the amount of wild fires.
    The Clown-in-Chief believes that all the cows in feedlots and farms are passing too much gas, and that Crooked Hillary is letting out too much hot air during her speeches, and that if only people would just stop barbequing so much, then climate change could fix itself.
     The President said that if this country, and other countries, were to fight climate change such action would hurt the economy. He has said, [It will] “probably change back.” He never said what it would change back to. Back to the Ice Age? A continuous rainy season? Sunny all the time so golf will become popular again?
    Trump said, “This is the coldest weather in the history of the Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC, and one of the coldest Thanksgivings on record…..Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS—Whatever happened to Global Warming.”
    Unfortunately, The Moron-in-Chief has no idea that there is a difference between daily weather forecasts and long term climate change. He is blind to the fact that climate change can change weather patterns in ways that causes harsher daily weather predictions, such as stronger winds, hotter weather, drier weather, colder weather and wetter weather than what had been experienced in past years.
    Even though the majority of worldwide climate scientists have repeatedly and strongly declared that the Earth’s climate is warming faster today than ever before and that this impact will likely cause tremendous suffering for today’s children and grandchildren as they become parents passing on this dangerous problem to further generations.
    Sadly, the Idiot-in-Chief feels coal is the wave of the future, instead of solar, wind, and geothermal. He likes coal. He gives it as gifts for Christmas. He loves to carry his big bag of coal and fill up the stockings of those in his family. Barron especially hates getting coal. It continually reminds him of his moron of a father.
   Also, last Christmas he gave his entire staff and cabinet a cookie tin filled with coal wafers. He was overheard saying, “Coal wafers are the most funnest gifts. I will be giving that California Democrat, Adam SCHITT (giggles were heard) a bucket of coal this year.”
    He once told a staff member, “We need to shutdown every single greenhouse in this country because they give off lots and lots of gases and we can’t have that if we are to Make America Great Again! Stop those greenhouse’s gases.”
    The president was told that if the climate continues to worsen, the nation’s bread basket will experience fewer crop yields of wheat, soybeans, corn and rice. His answer was, “Well, we will just have to eat more steaks. I love Trump steaks. They are the bestest steaks, ever.”

    The President was very upset that this government issued dire climate change report was dumped onto shoppers as they jammed shopping malls and roadways and parking lots. It was overheard by a source that said a presidential aide told the president that, “the federal government’s National Climate Assessment Report was dumped onto the nation and the world detailing a dire view of climate change on Black Friday.” The President’s response was, “Who took a dump? Hey, it wasn’t me! Was it Kellyanne? She’s always taking a dump. I hope someone cleans it up quick! If left unchecked taking dumps will become a real problem. Do I need to write a Presidential Order to fix this? WWOD? [What would Obama do?]

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Nation's Clown-in-Chief

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

Our incompetent Clown-in-Chief gave an incoherent and rambling message to our deployed soldiers, “HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Your Country is starting to do really well. Jobs coming back, highest Stock Market EVER, Military getting really strong, we will build the WALL, V.A. TAKING care of our Vets, great Supreme Court Justice, RECORD CUT IN REGS, lowest employment in 17 yrs….Make America Great Again! …We’re the hot nation of the world” was his Tweet and voice messages.
    “….You’re very, very special people…It doesn’t get more special…We’re really winning. We know how to win. We weren’t letting you win before…weren’t letting you play even. We’re letting you win.” (Referencing the Iraq war.)
    What planet does The Cheeto live on? We have an escalating and endless war in Afghanistan with no apparent end in sight and no exit plan. The stock market has lost every gain this year!! All money made has evaporated since this year began. Sorry Trumpty Dumpty---not “EVER”. You have cut clean water, air and safety regulations. Your WALL is being paid for by taxpayers and not Mexico as you promised. The V.A. is in shambles under your presidency. Soldiers are not getting the physical and mental health care they require, and the G.I. bill is falling short, as well.
    What is our Russian Asset president doing for Thanksgiving? He decided not to visit our soldiers overseas, but instead, headed to Mar-A-Lago for an expensive and pampered dinner with his two turkey adult sons, Nitwit and Dimwit, and the rest of his sorry-ass criminal clan.
    The message Trump sent to our country and to our back-to-back deployed soldiers doing the job of corporate America, has little to do with protecting our freedoms as the Nationalist President-Trump continues to believe, was a bullshit recognition of Americans serving at the beckoned call of the Moron-in-Chief.
    Instead, Trump is displaying, to all Americans and to very soldier he is directed to command, and that is Melania’s infamous jacket slogan, “I Don’t Care. Do You?”

    I’m sorry to disappoint the Sorry-Ass Trump Clan, we DO care, you incompetent Russian Assets.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Trump Battles Supreme Court Justice Roberts

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

  President Trump continues to proclaim that San Francisco’s 9th Circuit Court “is a total disaster. It’s out of control….has a horrible reputation…only causes bedlam, chaos, injury and death.”
    Voices around the president were overheard saying, “Was the president talking about himself? Cheeto Head has done the same thing to this country. Mass shootings by White Supremacists, murder by dictators with punishment, a seriously collapsing stock market, tariffs, a return to cavalier comments of lynchings by political figures. What else can I say? This incompetent moron in the White House is rebuking a Supreme Court Justice who is a million times smarter and working that much harder than this Idiot Asset controlled by Putin. The Cheeto Head is now dividing up judges by those who are Obama judges and those who are not.”
    “It’s like that old story about a delusional man standing on a subway platform walking up and down pointing at the people waiting for the train to arrive pointing to each one saying, ‘You’re in. You’re out.’ when there was not a reason to divide these random passengers into two groups of those who were in or out. Trump is doing the exact same thing.”
    Roberts was right to criticize such a foolhardy and childish view of judges and how they rule based on the Constitution and rule of law.”
    “Roberts saying that “we have an independent judiciary and  we should be thankful for it” is so right!
    For the Idiot Trump to say, “Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts we do indeed have ‘Obama judges’ and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with safety of our country” is one of the dumbest opinions that the moron in the White House has ever said. Trump has made our country less safe! He fuels hate; supports murderers; lambastes the media and press; embraces dictators; alienates our allies. The idiot roams around the White House at night arguing with ghosts while wearing those stupid Space Force jimmies carrying a bag of Fish crackers scolding his imaginary Clintons, Obama and Mueller.”

    “Let’s keep our comments between us. Okay?” “Good point. Okay.”

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Trump and his Saudi BFFs

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Chicago Tribune headline regarding the Mercy Hospital shooting read, “Gunman who went on rampage at Mercy Hospital had troubled history, particularly with women.”
   The Associated Press headline read, “Trump thanks Saudis after defying calls to punish prince.”
    Trump said, “Thank you to Saudi Arabia [by plunging oil prices to more dump more oil onto the market in hopes to get back something from Trump]” And then said, “ but lets go lower!”
    Trump went on to say regarding the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, “horrible crime…our country does not condone.” Then the rumor that our Nationalist President whispered under his breath to an anonymous source, “I don’t care. Do you? I like dictators. I relate to them more than our fake allies. Killing your enemies can be very helpful. Kim Jong Un had his brother killed. Putin had his enemies killed. Now, the Crown Prince likely did, too. All I can do is yell, “lock her up”. ”
   Trump stupidly told the press, “It could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event. Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t….America First!” This talk by President Trump sounds similar to what he said when dismissing Russian hacking of our 2016 elections. He said something to the affect that the hacking could have been done by some fat kid living in his parent’s basement. We may never find out who did it. But, in fact, the American intelligence community believes that the Russians were behind the hacking.
   Trump being a narcissistic psychopath putting “business first” before upholding the ethical consciousness of this country, tells all of us that racial, cultural, ethnic hatred, bigotry, and killing will be less important than what the Founding Fathers created for this nation. The White Nationalist Party congressional collective, a.k.a. Republican Party, is sitting idly by instead of pushing against their leader with strong action, instead of idle talk and puffy chest pounding.
   Trump continued his dismissal of murdering a U.S. resident over selling billions of dollars of weapons to authoritarian dictators when saying, “foolishly canceling these contracts.”
   The President turned away any traceable amount of morality
in favor of support toward his authoritarian bros, such as the Saudi King and the Crown Prince, when implying on the deflection spoken by the Saudi royalty that they are denying the hit made on Khashoggi. “We may never know all the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They have been a great ally in our very important fight against Iran.” But, in fact, Saudi Arabia is a minor trading partner, and Iran is upholding their Obama agreement, which Trump tore up, yet, is still in play with European countries.
   Ignoring the brutal killing of a U.S. resident by foreign leaders, as well as hate crime killings by domestic white nationalists, who stand behind the self proclaimed nationalist president ----Donald Trump, is a steep slide closer and closer to fascism.

   The Chicago Tribune headline of the Mercy Hospital killer sounds very much like President Trump, a person with a troubling history with women [and relationships].

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

California Fires And Other Great Comments From Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

   After President Trump returned from his California visit to survey the aftermath of the fires that ravaged communities, he referred to the town of Paradise as the town of Pleasure. When asked where the town of Pleasure was located, he said, “I misspoke. I was remembering my fling with Stormy Daniels when we came to California for a pleasurable time. Anyway, whatsit’ matter? Paradise and Pleasure both start with the letter P, you know what I mean.”
   My plan for California will be really terrific. Fabulous! I’m really, really smart. I will be taking the people waiting for asylum at the Mexico border in Tijuana and giving them, each one, a garden rake because it is my opinion, because I am so, so smart and know more than anyone around The Swamp here in Washington, these forest fires could be stopped by raking up all the sticks, leaves, twigs, and stuff in the forests. Great idea!!! It will be fantastic! I will give anyone who wants asylum a rake. Then, I will put them on a bus and will drive them, hundreds of them, to forests surrounding towns and clean up the area. This should stop those fires from spreading. These fires are bad. Very bad. Very bad fires. Fires are very hot.”
   When the president was asked what he would do with all the huge piles of forest debris after the raking was done, he said, “I will have them carry those piles of debris, huge bags, big bags of stuff back to Mexico because Mexico isn’t going to pay for my border wall!”
   When asked about retired Admiral McRaven’s, a Navy Seal, sharp dope slap of the president for his condemnation of the media and press as being the greatest threat to American democracy, the president responded to the reporter by saying, “Shut up! Shut up! Your two questions were used up last week. You don’t get to ask questions now! You’re fired! I would fire you if I could. Maybe I can. I will write a Presidential Order so I can fire you!! I’m the president and what I say goes!! The press and media, except for FOX News, is the enemy of the people.”
   Another reporter asked, “What do you have to say about Ivanka using her personal email account for both personal and government business, not unlike Hillary Clinton did when Secretary of State. You condemned her for doing so, and asked Russia to find all her lost emails. You would chant at rallies, “Lock her up!” because she did what Ivanka has done today in your White House.”

   Trump answered angrily, “Crooked Hillary is different. She had a real job in the White House, not like Ivanka who is here just for show. She does fake government work and is more focused on making money for herself as a figurehead in the White House as my daughter. And, if she weren’t my daughter, I would ask her out!” [Trump laughs.]

Monday, November 19, 2018

Robert Mueller

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    A White House anonymous insider spoke to a reporter and described the President after receiving Robert Mueller’s written questions. The President was asked to write his answers.
    The President said as he walked the halls of the White House announcing to anyone who would listen, “I didn’t need a dictionary. If I didn’t know one of the words, I just skipped over it. That made it very easy. The questions were very easy. I wrote out the right answers.”
    [Reporter interjects a comment- there were no right or wrong answers. Only truthful answers.]
   “ I’m happy how it all worked out. You know, I don’t have to tell you my I.Q. is one of the highest and you all know it. Donald Trump’s very, very large uh-brain. My fingers are long and beautiful, especially when I hold one of those special Presidential signing fountain pens.”
    “There alota people out there. No collusion!!! Smart people; you know what I’m saying! Bing, Bing, Bong! Believe me. Believe me.”
    “I’m so stable. You wouldn’t believe it. Unbelievably. My answers. It was beautiful. Wonderful! Phenomenal. I’m a fast trigger. With the fountain pen, of course.”

    I wish I were present when Robert Mueller received The President’s documents. I wonder if the penmanship was legible and if he was able to write on the line. Were there comments written in the margins? Will these papers be entered in the collection of future presidential papers that will be archived in the Donald Trump Presidential Library? And, where will the library be located? The first floor of Trump Tower? There may be a spare room available in the rear of the ground floor attached to the storage closet. That location would fit all relevant materials, such as the MAGA red hat, those red ties, empty medication bottles, a few Mar-A-Lago golf balls, the original Melania jacket that had ‘I Don’t Care. Do You?’ emblazoned on the back, and a box of jump drives of taped footage of those Nationalist style rallies, and “summit” meetings.


The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Since President Trump’s return from his “I-Can’t-Play-With-Others” trip to France where he was supposed to demonstrate some sort of decorum and humility toward our U.S. W.W.1 allies during ceremonies established to honor Armistice Day and  the fallen soldiers, he decided to make The Macron Smackdown into a political win.
    Trump decided to rename the Republican Party, the Nationalist Party in his honor. And, since a white supremacist yelled out in a crowded theater, “Heil Hitler; Heil Trump”, he decided to build a great white wall on the White House lawn. “It will be a really, really, fantastic wall. It will be the best wall ever! This terrific wall will have a digital display sign installed atop this great edifice to honor how the Nationalist Party was able to steal the presidency from Crooked Hillary. The main message will read, “Heil Trump!””
    Another message will read, “For the first 100 people to order Melania’s “I Don’t Care. Do You?” jacket on the website will get a free Trump steak with their order. The President said, “The best steak you will ever eat.” Trump said, “Now, that’s the Art of the Deal!”
    In addition, to Trump’s new momentum, he has decided to establish his own Washington lizard swamp and fill it with second rate reptiles. Vacant government positions will be filled with Mar-A-Lago members who hold the Gold Star Premium Super Duper Really Fantastic memberships, like Lana Marks, a handbag designer. (Chosen for the ambassadorship to South Africa). And, because the president likes those who cheat innocent people out of their money, he will fill vacant cabinet positions with such crooks, like the new attorneys general, Matthew Whitaker.
    President Trump has enthusiastically decided to pardon two turkeys for Thanksgiving. They are Donald, Jr. and Eric Trumperkeys. “These two birds with dangling gullets who gobble their cackling thoughts need all the help they can get.”

    2019 is revving up to a contentious year for the Nationalist Party and their great leader, Donald Trump.

America’s Trumpty Dumpty President

The Trumpster Dumpster Report

    President Trump boarded Air Force 1 leaving the Armistice Day celebration shunning a European ally walk-together honoring the sacrifice of soldiers who died in WW1. It was overheard by French citizens that “President Trump decided to pack up his bag, stuff his Make America Great Again red hat into his black clown coat pocket and go home. No one wanted to talk or play with him. Bully Boy felt he was ganged up on. Let him cry and storm off back to his cave in the White House.”
    Trump railed on how the U.S. supports the E.U.’s military with a U.S. protection force. “They need to pay us much more for our support. They’re freeloaders. Otherwise, they should build their own protection forces.”
    Macron responded by saying, ”We need to consider building our own military force that could defend against a Russian attack.”
    It was reported that the president was angry. “How dare Macron agree with me. That’s not how it was supposed to go!”
    President Macron told the world that nationalism is the betrayal of patriotism. Nationalism “are old demons are coming back to wreak chaos and death. He clearly implied that Trump’s incitement of hate and racism, in spite of Trump’s former advisor and pal, Steve Bannon, who is fueling white nationalism in Europe, and the United States, is unacceptable and stands against democracy and freedom.
    The pouty-faced U.S. president clearly showed that he didn’t want to be with democratic allies, and would rather hang with dictators and authoritarians where he felt more comfortable.
    Trump decided to not take a helicopter ride to the WW1 cemetery, Aines-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial, because it was raining. A Trump spokeperson said, “The president didn’t want to get his frail hairdo wet, so he decided not to go. Instead, he sent Generals Kelly and Dunford to replace him.” Trump was overheard saying, “Let those two guys get wet. They are used to rain, since they are soldiers. I’m a very rich and famous businessman who gets driven everywhere and has people protect me from rainy days.”
    Prime minister Trudeau, Chancellor Merkel, and President Macron were seen huddled laughing together, no doubt, mocking the prissy, polarizing President Trump.
    A president insider spoke anonymously, “The president is like a scared cornered animal. He was shellacked at the midterms and hates losing. He is afraid that Mueller's investigation will cause a great fall.  And, when stressed he misses his bromance with Kim Jong Un when surrounded by real grown-ups. This is why he’s packing up his strawberry milk snack boxes and chocolate chip cookies and going back to the U.S. where he can be, once again, surrounded by his “poorly educated” fans he loves.”
 The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    President Trump is slowly firing members of his A and B teams in order to bring in his D team. Everyone was gathered to the conference room by the First Lady wearing her “I don’t care. Do You?” jacket and her “diggin’ gold” yellow cap to inform the “teams” that they will be playing a new game. “You will be passing a potato all around throughout the day. And, when the president announces over the intercom to freeze, he will demand the person holding the Hot Potato to come forward and bow before your Great Leader. The Great Leader will then decide if you are In or you are Out! Doesn’t that sound fun?”

    H.L.S. secretary Kirstejen Nielsen whispered to John Kelly, “Mr. Pouty faced Bully Boy is taking out his anger out on us, since he can’t stand up face-to-face with Macron who basically told him he is a white racist. Pence’s personal valet, Nick Ayers, might be moved up to polish the president’s toilet seat. He bows to Ivanka and Jared, too. Deputy national security advisor Mira RIcardel apparently was seen shaking her head in disgust with Melania’s stupid arrogance. Melania was overheard telling the president, “She no longer deserves to honor and serve me!” Mattis is on the hot seat. Now that Sessions is gone to pasture among his KKK buddies, that criminal Whitaker is going to head the Justice department. That’s like a bank robber given the codes to a bank. Trump must really be scared of taking a great fall once Mueller files indictments. His narcissistic ego got a midterm smack-down after fueling his base into a voting frenzy to support his candidates, which fell flat. And now, he is still freaking that the recounts will further embarrass him. When Deputy chief of staff Zack Fuentes suggested to Trump that he not fly to the Paris cemetery in order to honor WW1 fallen soldiers some 50 miles away because of the rain, and agreed without debate, was humiliated by Macron and veterans for being a sissy, vain coward who did not want to get his hair wet. One Tweet said, “Oh, our MAGA president was scared off by some rain. To fail to honor our fallen soldiers who actually Made America Great Again was a rejection of their sacrifice. Trump never sacrificed a damn thing his entire life. No wonder he’s scared of a real person—Mr. Mueller.”

Fake President News Alert:

   Trump followed a House of Representative STrOuMPing on election night with a propagandistic B.S. news conference. He told the press that he expected a shellacking by voters. He then said that he will be firing people. “I like to fire people. It excites me. It feeds my hostility needs. Jeff will likely be my first one. I wish I could dope-slap that Mr. Magoo guy. I hired him because of his White Supremacist past, but then, he kept the Mueller investigation of me and my Russian ties alive. The only ties I like are Trump neckties. They’re great!”
 Later, Trump’s Goebbels look-alike, Sarah Sanders, apparently, took an Infowars doctored video to make CNN reporter, Jim Acosta appear as if he touched a Trump lackey who moved the microphone from one reporter to another when he, and others, rebuked the claim he touched this woman. Trump told the media, “I’m the only one allowed to inappropriately touch women because I’m more famous. I’m the best president ever.”
   Also, now that Sessions will be sent back to his KKK pals, Matt Whitaker has been put in the AG post until confirmed. Whitaker’s agenda is to strangle the Mueller investigation because Trump regularly wets his pants over the potential results. Whitaker has been investigated because of his inventor-patent business scam. The FCC shutdown this fake business that stole investor’s money, while never delivering on the promises made to them. Trump loves fraudulent businesses. He said, “It’s very unfair what happened to Matt. It’s very unfair to our country. Very sad thing. Very terrible thing. There’s a wrecking ball swinging. I don’t like it.”

   When asked how he will be honoring the anniversary of Kristtalnacht (11-9/10-38), “My new wish list is to take away Birthright citizenship from people born in our great country by undocumented immigrants. They don’t belong here. (Then he chanted, ‘Send them back. Send them back. Send them back.’) My second lieutenant Mike Pence agrees with me. He’s a good dog.”

President Quack News

  President Quack is campaigning on his mediocre first term record pretending his first two years are the “best ever”. He said, “Democrats produce mobs, Republicans produce jobs.”
   Mr. Big Stuff is continuing his fake persona as he has been doing since childhood. His father had anointed his dumbass son named after him with millions of dollars once his diapers came off. President Quack is still wearing those same training pants he wore back then.
    By the time Mr. Big Stuff decided to buy up Monopoly’s Park Place, he was submersed in millions given to him by Big Daddy Freddie, no doubt, a card carrying John Birch Society member.
    Once Donnie Jr. was a so-called adult, Freddie created a fraudulent scheme to enrich them all while cutting their tax load through their All County Building Supply and Maintenance company formed by the Trump family in 1992.
    Donald Trump jr. never demonstrated business success because of his own skills and abilities. He relied on others much smarter than himself because Trump was, and continues to be, a lying, delusional, ego-driven sociopath. He masked his insecurities and incompetence with his mobster-like bravado and a smoke and mirrors machine.
    The truth is not fake. Here are the facts:
·      When Obama took office, 8.7 million jobs were lost as a result of Bush’s Great Recession. Between 2008-2010 8.7 million jobs were lost.
·      At the end of Obama’s first term, all those jobs were recovered---8.8 million jobs.
·      During Trump’s first two years, 1.84 million jobs were gained.
·      Obama’s average monthly job growth was 216,958
·      Trump’s average monthly job growth is 167,182
·      Under President Pinhead:
------U.S. trade deficit grew by 11.5%
------People on Food Stamps grew by 3 million
------Federal debt grew by around 3%
------People without health care grew by 3.2 million

    This illustrates that even an idiot is capable of keeping Obama’s job growth and overall prosperity in motion. Yet, the peripheral results have been detrimental to sustained growth.
    Republicans have grown the economy through increasing the moral hazard risks.
    In spite of Obama’s right-wing congressional pushback, he was able to move the country from The Great Recession into a significant recovery handing over his successes to The Pinhead who has been doing everything he can to destroy the successful legacy. Of course, Obama had his flaws, yet those flaws are dwarfed by the incredible flaws and incompetence embodied by this autocratic wannabe Idiot-In-Chief.

    President Pinhead was handed a strong and growing economy and has pretended that it is a result of his brilliance as a swamp slaying president. Sadly, he has been drinking his own Kool-Aid and his Republican swamp lizards have been addicted to it, too.

Secret Conversation Made Public

An intercept off of Trump’s unsecured cell phone as he had a conference call with a few Fortune 500 CEO’s.

     “Mr. President, we are fearful of another serious monetary collapse before 2020! You don’t give tax cuts to rich people and corporations during a booming economy. What’s wrong with you? We all know you are a dumbass business idiot, but your secretary’s should have advised you to the contrary. The stock market is very skittish. Big corporations are not reinvesting in production expansion because a 2020 crash will ruin any increase in production, stored inventories, investments and profits, as well as corporate stock valuations and pricing. Therefore, we are mainly engaged in stock buybacks, bonuses, and raises.”
    The president responded, “Hey. I’m the smartest president ever. The economy is the best ever. It’s never, ever been better, shmetter. Very stable genius. Like really smart. My IQ is one of the highest and you all know it!! I’m a very famous person, unfortunately.”
    If you say so, Mr. President. (Laughing heard.)
    “We have a trillion dollar deficit!! You don’t give more tax cuts, which will raise the debt, when an economy is prosperous. Actually sir, you should either raise taxes or keep them even during a growth cycle. Haven’t you learned anything from the Reagan presidency? We should be paying down the interest on the debt. You are setting up working people to lose their retirement savings, home equity, spending and jobs. Spending fuels 70% of the economy. George W. Bush learned the hard way. Bill Clinton diminished the debt, and the economy was booming.”
    “ ‘I don’t care; Do you?’ is Melania’s message to America. I agree with her. The people around me do as I say. I’m the boss. Born in the USA. Born in the USA. Let’s keep those brown people from crossing our borders. We don’t have victories anymore. We don’t want them. Bad deal. Make America White Again. I’m a Nationalist. Maybe I’ll copyright it. I said so. Believe me. Believe me. I’ll tell you what. Mark my words. Build a great, great wall. Build that wall. Build that wall. Build that wall. (The President chanted.) It’s about making me richer. It’s all about ME!! Just ask Michael Cohen. Stormy knew what I was about. Putin has the right idea.”

    “Alright Mr. President. Thank you for hearing our concerns. Good-bye.”

Nationalism in Trumper Room

Trump told an advisor that the media is the problem. “The media is very, very bad. They focus on what I say and what I do! Just because I recently told America that I’m a nationalist! They have to turn it all around and say I’m a White Nationalist just because I am a white president and a nationalist. How do they get that? Can’t they be nice to me because I am the president? I’m a very famous person, unfortunately. They know that, don’t they? Just because my Make America Great Again slogan means that I’m saying for us to go back to when white people were to ones making America great. Why can’t Mike Putz, I mean Pence, come out of the white closet? He’s always washing his hands. Have to do it. Makes me nervous. Now those Pittsburgh Jews are telling me to stay away unless I denounce White Nationalism. What are they saying? They want me to denounce ME? Watch me. I’ll show up wearing my slogan hat. I’m smart. Those Jews forget that my IQ is one of the highest and you all know it. Donald Trump’s very, very large uh-brain. They say that!! I like Jews. I hire them. They work for ME!! They do what I tell them. They pay off my hookers. I’m making America great again.”

Right Wing Bomb Shell

     Several Democrats were sent pipe bomb packages, no doubt, by a far-right wing extremist fueled by Trump’s vile vitriol, mean and hateful speech; yet, initially, the White House and the Congressional ReCons claimed that Democrats were to blame. Now, they are walking back their finger pointing at Democrats, and putting on their “Compassionate Halloween Masks”. So ugly!! Trump is pretending to reach out his tiny fat fingered hands hoping to unify the nation. This must be his one and only Koombiya Moment.
     This reaction by Trump fearing ReCons have failed to acknowledge that Trump is to blame and is complicit in this terroristic act. Trump has decided the boogieman is the “Mainstream Press”. Where does FOX news fit in here? He took no responsibility for his hate, devisiveness, and compulsively lying to the American public and the world.

     ReCons need to get their heads out from their keesters and stand up against Trump, instead of being feared by this psychopath.

Trump changes his story......

Trump changes his story regarding rogue killers from Saudi Arabia directing the murder of Khashoggi.

"Really bad deal. If it was my deal it would have turned out great. No trace. My plan would have been better. Very dumb prince. Not a man like me. Only a boy. I'm really, really smart. Big IQ, if didn't already know that.", Trump told an anonymous source.

Idiot Trump says....

Idiot Trump says, "Saudi Man King told me the journalist was in a fight and was killed in the fight. I believe him. He likes fake news, too. He likes me and I like him."

It had been said that Khashoggi was not in any physical condition to be in a fight, unless he was fighting for him survival. He was up against trained murderers. This anonymous source went on to say, "Trump is indebted to the Royal Family for saving his ass by purchasing Trump properties at inflated prices. Trump's ass has been saved by dictators. It's like when the Mob went to Vegas in the 1960s and bought their way into the casino racket. Trump is owned by autocratic Mobsters. Trump says what he is told to say by these Russian and Saudi racketeers.

In the television 60 Minutes interview

   In the television 60 Minutes interview, Trump proclaimed, “I’m not a baby. I’m a big daddy boy. As you already know, I’m very, very smart. I know climate change is all about the weather. Weather happens everyday. I know many people who tell me climate change can be very, very bad. And sometimes it can be real good. That’s when I play golf a lot more. It can go back to the Stone Age. Why not?
   When asked about the Saudi journalist’s murder-disappearance, he said, “Maybe he is lost in the Saudi embassy. There are many rooms. Maybe he got locked in a room, starved and died.
   Man King Saudi Arabia told me they asked him questions, then suddenly he was gone! Man King reassured me they didn’t hurt him and I believe him.” Trump went on to say, “I asked Mr. Man King how could I become a king, too. Being a king sounds very, very good. Mr. Man King told me he doesn’t know what happened. I believe him. He likes me. I like him very much. The king’s family buys many of my properties. Makes me very rich.”
   Trump went on to say, “Kim Jong Un wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters. We fell in love.” Trump has been telling his rally zombies such autocratic antidotes on his national stand-up tour beginning in Wheeling, West Virginia.

   He told an anonymous source, “President Kim calls me DJT and I call him KJU. He loves me. I’m calling President Putin VAP and he’s calling me DJT. Now my latest BFF is MBS, you know Man King Saudi. My BFF’s all kill their enemies. Can I do that, too?” Then he gave his goofy two thumbs up.

President Trump is the Nation’s Master Baiter

   President Trump has been masterly baiting his lonely, hateful and fearful base to support his attempt to humiliate another woman within his sphere. Now his venom is directed toward Dr. Ford who has come forward to illustrate that Quaalude Kavanaugh does not deserve a post on the Supreme Court because he is a drunken, slobbering, sloven, angry, abusive, as well as a lying assaulter.
   Is anyone analyzing the body language of his wife sitting behind him? It sure appears she is disgusted with this man with a hidden past.
   President Master-baiter roamed with rage on a Mississippi stage in front of Teabaggers, who believe that their Medicare and Medicaid are not government programs, mocking Dr. Ford’s testimony, “I don’t know. I don’t know. Upstairs? Downstairs? Where was it? I don’t know. But I had one beer. That’s the only thing I remember.” But in reality, that statement appears to be what Quaalude Kavanaugh had said with whimpering anger before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Dr. Ford clearly remembered where the events she spoke about had occurred.
    Then President Master-baiter when on to say, “All they know how to do is obstruct, resist, demolish, destroy, and delay.” That’s right Mr. President. Mitch McConnell proclaimed such a commitment before Congress against President Obama, as well as Judge Merrick Garland. The irony here is that President Trump seemed to forget that he had earlier said that Dr. Ford’s testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman.” So, what is it? She’s a fine woman, or is she destroying a man’s career?
   Yet now Donnie 1 and Donnie 2 are saying it is a dangerous time for men. Then President Master-baiter began singing a James Brown lyric, “ ‘It’s a man’s world’. When you’re rich, you can do anything. My daddy was very rich and he gave me millions of dollars because he knew I wasn’t smart enough to earn it on my own.”
   Then Trump went on to say, “China has total respect for Donald Trump and has a very, very large uh-brain.”
   The American Bar Association questioned Quaalude Kavanaugh’s qualifications for a seat on a federal appeals court back in 2006. They questioned his temperament and honesty.

   It was overheard in the men’s Senate bathroom that Lindsey Graham said to Kavanaugh, “I know how to keep stuff in my closet without it spilling out all over the floor. Didn’t you know you had a closet full of stuff before you drank Trump’s Supreme Court nomination Kool-Aid? What the hell is wrong with you? I’m trying to get out in front of you during these hearings but it sure is getting more and more difficult.”

Trump on Kavanaugh

President Trump was heard on Air Force 1 on his return from his U.N. stand-up gig, railing against Democrats for questioning Kavanaugh’s sexual dailiness and drunken stupors resulting from his youthful assaultive behaviors. “How dare those evil, horrible, bad, very bad Democrats refusing to nominate my gem of a guy to the Supreme Court. Clarence is lonely. It’s a con game. Brent, or is it Bart, or maybe it’s Brett. It doesn’t matter. All I know it starts with ‘B’. My Gem is part of my BWBboy Club. You know, great guy. Boys will be bad boys. [Trump runs his fingers through his comb-over front to back revealing his significantly balding scalp.]
I know bad people. ‘B’ boy is terrific. Believe me. I’m the stable genius around here. I don’t know if you know this?

I’m the president! It’s true. Good genes. Vote him in. [Trump begins to chant it several times waving his arms up and down wanting the staff on the plane to join in. It becomes a loud chorus.] Give me more power! Self-pardoning is a wonderful plan. He and Clarence are just bad, bad boys. When you’re powerful, you can do whatever you want. Bing, bing, bong!”

President Trump addressed the U.N.

President Trump addressed the U.N. and thanked Vladimir Putin for electing him President of the United States. He told the assembly, “I’m the bestest president ever! My administration has accomplished nearly more than any other administration in the history of our country.” [Laughs were heard loudly throughout the assembly body.] He then went on to say, “I’ve made friends with North Korea’s little Kim. That makes me phenomenal. I don’t know if you know this. It’s true. Make America great again. Mark my words. We are planning another play date soon.”
“While you are in New York, go visit Trump Tower. I own it. It’s NOW the biggest and bestest building in the city. Unbelievable! Wonderful.

Also, I have cd’s of my bestest speeches for sale in the back of the room. They will make YOU great again.”

The Mirror

President Trump was seen standing in front of a large mirror down the hallway from his office fluffing his hair saying, “You’re really big and really wet! My IQ is one of the highest and you all know it. That Jamie Dimon. Nervous twit. Isn’t smart enough or have the aptitude to be president like me. I’m a very stable genius. Like really smart.” Then he gave himself a two thumbs up. Following that gesture, he is heard saying in response using a different voice. “You’re the twit, moron! You’re an idiot just like they are saying about you. Everyone is talking behind your back. Woodward sucked the air out of this White House. I bet Melania and Baron will write their own tell-all-book. No one will take a bullet for you. Your ship is sinking. Now Manifort will squeal like a pig. He’s going to save his skin, dumbass! You are an idiot president. You don’t know anything!”

Then back to his regular voice. “You’re the idiot, just like that nervous mess, Jamie Dimon. I’m the bestest president ever!!
I have my own biggest and bestest company. It’s really, really big. Dimon is just a banker. It’s not even his bank.”

Then back to that other voice, “Your business is a loser, just like you! You’re a fake news story and a bad deal businessman, and lousy president. You’ve got traitors surrounding you spilling your stupidness all over the place. Watch where you step, you clown. Now, go away and leave me alone, you Russian stooge. Go give your BFF, Kim Jung Un a really big and really wet hug.”

At that point, the president turned around to see if anyone was watching him. Two aides were overheard huddling out of sight whispering, “There he goes again talking to the mirror. What an idiot!”